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What to use during your period

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Tampons, pads, panties, instinctive free flow...
What are the alternatives during menstruation?

Following my article on tampons: a chemical bomb, many women have contacted me to ask what alternatives exist and what to do during menstruation.

So I'm going to describe the different alternatives and my point of view! I'm sure you'll discover that there are other ways than tampons and sanitary towels to manage periods! It's up to you to find your own solution, according to your means and needs.

So I'm going to detail here what I've tested (or tried to test!).

Hygienic tampons

As described in my last article, tampons sold in supermarkets are packed with chemicals. There's a nice mix of products to delicately introduce into our intimacy during our periods ????

Of course, organic brands are still a decent alternative to the big brands, as long as their composition is revealed transparently, as there is absolutely no law requiring manufacturers to communicate on this point.

What's more, the risk of toxic shock syndrome due to the proliferation of staphylococci is due to the very principle of the tampon, which is to retain blood in the vagina. However, this risk is greatly reduced if the tampon is changed regularly.

I therefore recommend the use of organic brand like those of the natracarewith or without applicator to be changed regularly and with minimum absorption capacity.

The menstrual cup

My opinion of its use is mixed. For some, it's a real revolution, and these women were liberated during their periods when they discovered it, while for others it's been a flop.

For my part, I bought it following a crisis of acute "zero waste" (those who know will know ????) and after observing the contraption, I preferred it to decorate my bathroom cupboard rather than my vagina.

Studies on menstrual cup are not very clear at the moment, it is not known whether this can lead to risks of SCT but the risk is certainly lower than with tampons. In any case, no cases have yet been reported, so we're hopeful!

Made of medical-grade silicone, so healthy for the body. Economical, as it can be reused every cycle for several years.

Disadvantage: hygiene. Sterilize well between each cycle and clean well between each use, which is not always easy under all circumstances. Depending on their anatomy, some women can't fit it (but there are several sizes available).

Disposable pads or sanitary protection

Those from the big brands are just as chemical as tampons, as they undergo the same chlorine treatment for whiteness. What's more, the plastic causes the blood to soak in, resulting in unpleasant odors during menstruation.

For obvious reasons, this alternative does not carry the risk of TSS, as the blood is not retained in the vagina, but it can have disadvantages in terms of practicality and comfort.

One very negative point for me is the ecological disaster of the towels, which are not recyclable.

Washable towels

Some will say it's a return to the Middle Ages, others will say it's brilliant. And I'm one of those who dared, and honestly, I found it just brilliant. Washable sanitary pads have the advantage of being comfortable and respectful of vaginal flora. The absorbency is often far superior to disposables, and the fabric is absolutely odorless!

To clean them, rinse with warm water and Marseille soap, then pop them in the washing machine.

I recommend the brand "plim with a good choice of format and motif.

It's ecological, economical and healthy for the body!

However, like disposable towels, their use is more or less comfortable depending on the outfit worn. Once again, it's a matter of personal choice.

Menstrual or period panties

Definitely my own wonderful solution. All the advantages of washable towels without the inconvenience of hygienic protection that moves, and you've got a leak! The ones I use are a real marvel, already a year old and I'm super happy with them. As panties, boxer shorts or nightwear, with their little extra protectors.

No more leaks, no more smells, no more monthly expenses, no more pollution of the planet, no more chemicals ....

I bought mine on and they don't budge despite washing, the blood comes off easily in the machine, and the cotton is comfortable.

Instinctive free flow

This topic alone could be the subject of several articles. Free instinctive flow or FLI is the act of controlling the flow of one's rules consciously, to the point where the use of protection is no longer necessary. (And yes, it's possible!) We flush it down the toilet naturally when necessary.

The way to achieve this requires several training cycles, but some women practice it intuitively, without even knowing the name of the method.

Personally, I use it in conjunction with menstrual panties, which means I can control 80% of my flow, while allowing myself a certain amount of freedom.

There are also other methods, such as themenstrual sponge. I know absolutely nothing about this technique so I can't really go into detail, but I'm mentioning it because I know it exists.


It's up to you to find what speaks to you most!

Mélissa Carlier
Mélissa Carlier



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